
  • 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Annual Check-Up

    Regular health check-ups are an essential part of maintaining your overall well-being. Even if you feel perfectly healthy, it's important not to overlook the importance of scheduling an annual check-up with your doctor. In this blog post, we will explore five compelling reasons why you should prioritize these check-ups and ensure you're taking proactive steps toward a healthier life. Early Detection of Health Issues One of the primary benefits of regular check-ups is the early detection of potential health problems. [Read More]

  • How a Doctor Will Diagnose and Treat a Fungal Skin Infection

    Fungal skin infections are common conditions that can affect anyone, causing discomfort and irritation. It is a good idea to book an appointment with your general practitioner (GP) for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. In this blog post, read about the steps a GP takes to diagnose and treat a fungal skin infection, ensuring effective management of the condition. Initial Assessment and Examination When you visit a GP with symptoms of a fungal skin infection, they will begin by conducting an initial assessment. [Read More]

  • How Can An Audiologist Help When You Need Hearing Aids?

    If you suffer from hearing loss, you might be interested in looking into hearing aids. After all, you might know that hearing aids can help you greatly improve your quality of life. If it's your first time getting hearing aids, you might be unsure of what you should expect or do. Luckily, a good audiologist should help you through the process. These are some of the different ways that an audiologist can help you when you need hearing aids. [Read More]

  • Two tips to follow after registering with a new health clinic

    Here are two tips to follow after registering with a new health clinic. Don't be afraid to change doctors Most health clinics have hundreds or even thousands of patients and so need to employ several doctors. It may happen that after being assigned a certain doctor, you realise you would rather switch to a new doctor. This could happen if, for example, you're unexpectedly get diagnosed with a female health condition and would prefer a female doctor. [Read More]

  • 4 Ways Older Women Can Reduce the Risk of Osteoarthritis

    Osteoarthritis is a condition that causes joint damage by wearing out the tissue that protects the ends of the bones and joints. The condition causes chronic pain, swelling and mobility issues. As women age, they become more predisposed to this condition. According to research, 57.3% of women over the age of 65 have osteoarthritis. Therefore, as women age, they should take measures to reduce the risk of joint damage. Below are some tips for preventing osteoarthritis in older women. [Read More]

  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Explained

    Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is caused by bacteria spreading into your reproductive organs. The bacteria are transmitted during sex and are the same strains associated with certain sexually transmitted infections including chlamydia. Having PID can increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy and cause infertility, so early treatment is key for women who may want to have children at any point in their future. Here's an overview of the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment approach for PID. [Read More]

  • Why Every Child Should Be Genetically Screened

    There are many tests and procedures that newborn children have to go through on an almost weekly basis to ensure that everything is developing as it should. From vaccines to the withdrawal and testing of blood, it seems like for the first year or so of your child's life, you are basically camped in your GP's office. However, there is one test that is often forgotten by many parents which could still be very useful and actually prove to be lifesaving in some instances. [Read More]

  • How Bluetooth Hearing Aids Work and Why They're Worth the Switch

    Traditional hearing aids often posed a music-listening dilemma for their users. Hearing aids need to be removed from the ear to listen to music with headphones and carry out long phone conversations comfortably. However, there now exists a prototype solution to this problem, which may soon be available from retail outlets across Australia. Bluetooth hearing aids use smart technology to transmit signals from your phone, tablet, or music player directly into your hearing device. [Read More]

  • Why Does Your New Employer Want You to Have a Hearing Test?

    While you expected your new employer to check you out before they take you on, you may have been surprised to hear that they want you to have a hearing test as part of this process. Why do you need to have your hearing checked out before you can start your new job? Some Jobs Legally Require Hearing Tests In some cases, an employer may request a hearing test because of a statutory obligation. [Read More]

  • Essential Steps to Prepare for Your Colonoscopy

    Colonoscopies are vital diagnostic tools for gastroenterologists. In addition to screening for diseases such as cancer, they can help to identify coeliac disease, Crohn's disease and more. If you're attending a colonoscopy clinic soon, you'll need to prepare for the procedure. Completing your bowel prep Your doctor will send out some bowel prep sachets to use in the days before your procedure. In many cases, this means using a laxative such as Picolax. [Read More]