How a Doctor Will Diagnose and Treat a Fungal Skin Infection

Posted on: 5 June 2023

Fungal skin infections are common conditions that can affect anyone, causing discomfort and irritation. It is a good idea to book an appointment with your general practitioner (GP) for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. In this blog post, read about the steps a GP takes to diagnose and treat a fungal skin infection, ensuring effective management of the condition.

Initial Assessment and Examination

When you visit a GP with symptoms of a fungal skin infection, they will begin by conducting an initial assessment. The doctor will ask about your symptoms, any recent exposure to potential sources of infection, and medical history. The GP will then proceed with a thorough examination of the affected area.

Culture Test

In some cases, the GP may send the skin sample for a culture test. This test involves growing the fungus in a laboratory to determine its exact species. Culture tests are particularly useful when the initial microscopic examination is inconclusive or when the infection is severe and requires specialised treatment.

Treatment Options

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the GP will recommend a suitable treatment plan tailored to your specific condition. Treatment for fungal skin infections usually involves topical antifungal medications, such as creams, lotions or powders. These medications work by directly targeting the fungus on the skin's surface. In severe or persistent cases, oral antifungal medications may be prescribed.

Preventive Measures and Lifestyle Changes

In addition to medication, the GP will provide guidance on preventive measures and lifestyle changes to minimise the risk of recurrence. They may advise keeping the affected area of skin dry and clean. They may also recommend that you avoid sharing towels or clothing with others and use antifungal powders or sprays in susceptible areas. It's important to follow these recommendations to prevent reinfection and ensure a speedy recovery.


if you suspect you have a fungal skin infection, it is crucial that you consult a GP for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. GPs are experienced in identifying and managing these conditions effectively. By undergoing a thorough examination, microscopic analysis and potentially a culture test, the GP can accurately diagnose the infection. They will then prescribe appropriate antifungal medications and provide advice on preventive measures to ensure a successful recovery. Remember, early intervention and proper treatment are key to resolving fungal skin infections and preventing their recurrence. Don't hesitate to contact your doctor and seek medical attention so you can take control of your skin health.

For more information, contact a doctor.
